MT Flat Light All-In-One Solar Systems
All-in-one solar system with MT Flat Light installation components. Detailní informace
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Detailní popis MT Flat Light All-In-One Solar Systems
The solar module by Büttner Elektronik has been developed especially for elevation of high roofs for camper-vans, vans, camping busses or as a walk-on version at your motorhome's roof. The module unites high manufacturing quality and a maximum of solar power. Thanks to the square construction, it is possible to operate power consumers such as compressor refrigerators, and/ or power inverters self-sufficiently- even with limited space and battery capacity available. With the adhesion to high roofs, it is possible lead the connection cable within the solar module down in the middle. For this 42-cellular high-performance module, a MPP solar regulator is obligatory.
All-in-one solar system with the established MT Flat Light installation components: ultra-flat solar module(s) with crystalline cell technology; solar regulator MT MPP with temperature sensor; cable routing to the roof; adhesion kit; cable kit with EBL, mounting material, mounting instructions.
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